Sunday, January 20, 2008

WhAt HaV I dOn3 WrOnG???

Hello guys, my story might be very boring for all of u...
But it's just a blog rite? So it's just for voicing out my feelings without any sounds... (only the typing sounds. hehehe)
Recently, i joined a biznes... It's about 4 months now... No new partner and i realize i'm not suitable 4 dis industry. But what choice do i hav? I hav big dreams...
Even my junior has more partners than mine... T-DOWN...
Waa.. sumtimes i think i wanna quit from dis game but i can't because i do believe in diz biznes...
It's juz about me.... Why can't I succeed?
Allah, give me a way to get out from dis problem...
Is it dat I'm too soft n not firm at all?
Or am i need to upgrade myselg again...
Or am i deserved to be like this?
Or i shud juz quit?
Too many questions running in my mind...
I know intelligence is solving problems... I'm not intelligence enough???
Allah, give me strength n guide me all da way....
For those who read my blog. Please do pray for my successful future...

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