Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Face The TRUTH!

Dis afternoon my supervisor came to observe our place... He was impressed wif the environment here... He asked us a few questions about work place and other things too. But there are things really hurt me. He said dat he more attracted to Miss Y. I dun know... I do admit I dun know how to speak very well like her.. But for me she speaks craps eventhough she looks very confident.... If he lives with her, he will know the truth... All she said were lies for me... Dunt ever trust her... Hypocryte! Hmmm am I jealous? Maybe but sumtimes I think the most important thing is to be yourself... Yes, I know I'm not dat good but she is a fake. And she got all the credits... Dis is not fair!! Well, I think I hav to face the truth... Be better person yea! Dun live on history but let the history teach you become a better person

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