Thursday, June 24, 2010


It starts from Miss N... We are good frens actually since our pre-u... Hmm she knows him thru internet...I'm not sure how but i do admit Miss N likes to make a lot of frens, different from me... So when she went to kl(i think it's 2 years ago), she stayed wif me a night at my hostel. But the next morning they meet up at McD section 14... As usual, she will ask me to come along... As a fren, I'm hard to say NO... When I met him at the first time, I thought he was a senior. Becoz the way he behave, he looks very confident, the way he talk to us, very polite, softspoken and matured. I'm quite impressed with his attitude.
I thought they will be a couple becoz it seems dat he will do anything for her. Met her and her dad at the airport before depart. Always keep in touch(call everyday?)...For me a boyfren will do dat... I saw his concern and really envy of her. She is lucky to have him. But the 'couple thing' was did not happen. I try to help him to have Miss N back but she won't listen & told me, "he shud wif sumone better". And Miss N told me what she dislikes about him, plus she said she is 'tawar hati' oready. I dunno wat really happen between 2 of them. But some of her statements, i do agree he's like dat. But for me it is natural if a guy will say sumthing like dat. We r no more a teenager...We r old enough to accept certain facts.
Hmm well I thot I will never see him again becoz Miss N is not around. But not so long(maybe a month) after she went back to Kch, he asked me to join him for supper. He looks really messed up & tired. He said he was at the lab before he came to meet me at my college's cafe. I dunno, even I only met him once, I didn't feel awkward spending time wif him. Eating and hav a talk. Actually I dun really remember what we had discuss but the other day he said he still remember dat I suggest him to choose the best for his practical's location. REALLY! I dun remember about dis. Becoz dat happen maybe in two years ago. Huhu
How did we getting close now? Hmmm yes, he did save my fon no before. But I did not know dat he still kept it. I think it starts last year. Not so long after I got issue with Mr. R. Me & Miss Y were having our lunch at 12th residential. And there is a booth selling Hotlink's sim cards & reloads. Miss Y was buying a simcard for her nephew. And I thot of buying new one too becoz for certain reasons...hehehe dun want to mention it here...The most important think I want to buy it becoz I want to change to prepaid & got cheaper in rates (Youth club). After went back to lab, I've got a msg from him... It's awkward to hav a msg from him becoz we didn't realy contact each other. He said dat I was 'sombong' becoz didn't greet him. I was surprised becoz I didn't notice he was at the booth too buying reload... Well I thot dat is not a big deal. I'm not sure how long was the gap but I think maybe a few days after I've got a msg again. He told me dat he saw me crossing the street wif my zebra's bag. And also another day at the library, he saw me in green... AndI dunno why, I always didn't notice him....Starting dat day we always SMS to each other. Ok, later I'll continue writing ok....I like to write it here becoz it's like a diary to me and I want to keep it to me...As long as I know what I wrote... :)

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