Tuesday, August 18, 2009

can't lose him

hmmm after more than a week i replied that email
i made a decision to stay as a fren wif him
coz i think there's no much difference
he always contact me very seldom
hopping that everything will be like before eventhough i will feel awkward
actually while writing the email i thought to tell him the truth
but i'm afraid he will feel very guilty
if he knows i waited for him more than 3 years
if he knows how i rejected others because i believe in him
if he knows how i'm expecting more
and if he knows how i feel when he's around
well, i keep the email short so that it wont realy hurt him
love is cruel! i hav to be patience juz to take care of his feeling
i'm afraid that i'll lose him forever
so it's better be fren wif broken heart than never hav a chance to be with im anymore
time will tell

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