Monday, August 10, 2009

Don't u ever come back again!!!

Yesterday I wrote an email for him, i asked him whether he liked me or not...
I said if he does, thank you but i need him to answer a few questions.. .
But if he doesn't, i'm begging him not to contact me again...
Do you know what is his answer???
He remained silent...I BENGANG!!!
How dare he did this to me? I'm not a tunggul ok...
So i deleted him from my facebook, my tagged wif note "thank you for everything and sorry for anything. bubbye"
Well, I'm done... I hav to muv on..
Maybe he's juz not the one
I really nekad dis time...If next time he tried to come back to me, I will treat him the same he did me... If he doesn't, good la... I got others waiting for me...
Maybe better than him..
I need someone who treats me well ok
Not only when we're near but far also...
Plz Allah, give me signs so dat I know who is my Mr. right
I'm really lonely...especially after my sisters got married...
Soon is my turn...
I need a steady boyfriend...
I'm not desperate but I need to get ready, need to know him well first...
Hopefully the time will come soon :)

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